quinta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2020

WD9DMP's build of the K3NG CW Keyer and Decoder

This shows my (WD9DMP) build of the Arduino-based K3NG CW Morse code keyer/decoder. It is a basic stand-alone build that includes 5 memories, a single transmitter keying output, 20 column/4 line backlit LCD display, and CW decoder circuit for decoding live CW audio from transceiver, radio or any other headphone-level audio source.

The software is written on the Arduino IDE development platform. The number of features determines the amount of memory needed in your Arduino. I am running this on a stand-alone ATmega328p chip, rather than an Arduino. The amount of program memory (without bootloader) is just sufficient to enable almost all stand-alone features, but not the CLI or contest software features.

The software involve a fair amount of configuration to match one's hardware build, but is very well laid out and not too difficult.

Details and software may be found at:




The Internet CW CNN News and W1AW server is at:


See my build of an ATtiny85 memory keyer with 4-100 character memories here:

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